See some of our projects

Erf Number


Erf 1437

Berlin (Temporal Departure)

Erf 1954

Ntabankulu (Rezoning)

Erf 3260

Fort Beaufort (Rezoning)

Erf 3995

Fort Beaufort (Rezoning)

Erf 5556

Alice (Consolidation and rezoning)

Erf 6249

Fort Beaufort (rezoning)

Farm 2236

Berlin (Subdivision)

Erf 10016

Mdantsane East London (Subdivision and rezoning)

Erf 10513

Butterworth (Cellphone Tower Consent Application)

Farm 106

Upper Ngqurwa (Cellphone Tower Consent

Erf 11291

Mdantsane (Special Consent Application)

Erf 11541

Sterling (Temporal Departure)

Erf Number


Erf 12060

Baysville East London (Rezoning)

Erf 12961

Southernwood East London (rezoning)

Erf 14696

East London Central (Rezoning)

Erf 14718

East London Central (rezoning)

Erf 26679

Berea (Rezoning)

Erf 63744

Beacon Bay East London Temporal Departure

Farm 651

East London (rezoning)

Farm 733

East London RD (Departure Application)

Farm 854

Portion 15 east London RD (Subdivision and Rezoning)

Farm 934

Portion 1 East London (rezoning)

Erf 661

Alice (Rezoning Student Accommodation)

Erf 41 - 45
& 807

Lady Grey (80 Bed Hospital)

We also specialise in Cell Phone Tower Applications and we’ve completed 23 applications in the last 2 years.

Essential Legislative Documents